International Journal of Engineering Associates
The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the criteria of significance, academic excellence and great ideologies. Papers will be published approximately in one week after acceptance. Every manuscript is reviewed by two reviewers familiar with the relevant field of research. Our motto is to provide the quality information and knowledge that enable our readers to perform their jobs efficiently, continue their education, and help contribute to the advancement of their chosen markets. Our readers are researchers, students, academics and increasingly professionals. We help our acadmecians advance science and health by providing world-class information and innovative tools that help them make critical decisions, enhance productivity and improve outcomes. IJEA develops online information solutions that help professionals achieve better outcomes and results.An open source design!
All the manuscripts (Articles, Papers, Books) submitted to the online journal of computing technologies are reviewed in three steps.
Step 1: All the articiles are tested for format and checked for gramatical and formatting mistakes. Not more than 2 mistakes per page are allowed. In that case,
paper will not proceed to step 2.
Step 2: This incldes the domain justification of the paper, articles, books. After this these articles are moved to concerned reviewers team for evaluation.
Step3: On basis of evaulation report, further payment and copyrights are filed for concerened submission.