ISSN (O) :2320 – 0804

English English French Germany Japan

International Journal of Engineering Associates

A Monthly Open Access Journal


IJEA is a "peer-review" and "referred" International journal. It is the committee through which experts in the field of study assess the quality of articles/journals that are submitted to it for publication. It is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research articles, all areas of Science and technology.



Author Instructions



The  International Journal of Engineering Associates (IJEA) is published monthly. All the selected papers are published online, along with the details of the issue in which the paper is actually published. 

Guidelines to Contributors:

1) Manuscripts are to be submitted to Head Editor at following email-id:-


Please submit the Manusrcipt as MS Word file(.doc/.docx) format

IJEA Paper Format

2) Manuscript submission means that it is not under consideration for publications with other journals. 

3) Once the paper is accepted, the authors are assumed to fill copyrights of the paper over to IJEA. If any copyrighted material is used by the author, the author must take permission for the same.

4) All the papers are refereed and acknowledged. Once accepted they will not be returned.

Maximum Number of pages allowed: 8


CALL FOR PAPER : July-2017 EDITION (Last Date: 26th July)